Friday, January 4, 2008

It Got Very Windy

I don't know what happened to posting last night...I can't remember if I fell asleep or what. Wow. I've been tired lately. School started again for me and Dave and I know I did some school, but I didn't even finish what I wanted to last night. Seems like I got a lot accomplished today. Cleaned the house, went into town, came home and did my Mom's hair (colored and cut it) and my Mom's friend's hair (colored and cut it) and got Rayne's room rearranged and cleaned (with the help of my Mom). To say the least I was exhausted by the time everything was done and after getting pizza, I took a nap. And guess what? Yep, I have heartburn again tonight. Every night. This kid better come out with a FULL head of hair!! I've had heartburn the WHOLE time. And now my dog just let a stinker...GROSS!! He has had gas lately and I have no idea why. I'm sure everyone wanted to know that..just be thankful you are not sitting where I am right now! In the pregnancy area I feel a bit bigger today and Quin's kicks are really strong. I also feel grumpy tonight. I'm hungry and I don't know what I want to eat. A regular nightly occurance that usually results in me not having anything and just going to bed. I think tonight I am going to have to find a snack though. Rayne has been eating us out of house and home this week. She wants to snack all day and then she eats her meals too. She must be growing again and Dave comments that she better slow down soon or she is going to be one very tall girl. I guess that's it for tonight. Rayne is bugging me for another snack anyway, lol...SEE?!?! Night all.

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