Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Going to start something new...

First off the picture is of my friend's son and I just love it! :)...So my blog is kinda boring..unless you are family and checking in for updates...and friends. But otherwise...big whoop right? Well, I'm going to still do updates on the fam, but I am also going to start writing out my life adventure..I know..big whoop again. But I've wanted to do that for a long time so I don't forget in my old age things I've done, places I've been and when and all that jazz. So I will start today. Updates..Quinn is growing FAST. He is much heavier than I remember Rayne being at this age...must be my yummy moojuice...he loves it. He is still sleeping well at night..wakes about every 2-3 hours to eat and poop and get changed. Seriously..he poops everytime he eats. And he LOVES having a fresh diaper to poop in...everytime I change him...he poops. Dave has seen it and Lisa (SIL) has seen it. Or should I say..heard it, lol. Rayne is still adjusting somewhat...she still has break downs and wants A LOT of attention. So we are still working on that with her.

So now for the biography stuff. Not sure where to childhood was pretty I dont' want to start there. College was interesting. But not quite as interesting as afterwards. Hmmmmm...I guess I should include some college stuff. I attended a private University through our Church...before the Church split up in a million pieces. That was fun too. The only reason I got into this college was because I played violin and had a high recommendation from our minister. My SATs weren't that great..they were mediocre at best. After the first year in college, I wanted to quit. I wanted to leave after getting a 2 year and travel or something..I was so sick of studying. But I hung in there and finished. I was in a lot of activities during college and when I think about it, I have no idea how I did it all without collapsing. I always had a full load credit-wise...16-18 credits going. At one point I had to get approval to have 18 or 19 credits..I can't remember which one...and I got the approval. It was Orchestra putting me over the limit..which was only 1 credit. I also had Women's Speech Club, Outreach Volunteer, Volleyball or whatever other sport was going on at the time, working out, Orchestra rehearsal's at night for a big production and I was the concert master. I negotiated with the instructor/director for more scholarship money for me to stay in Orchestra because of having so much on my plate and being concert master. He upped me one and not only gave me more money for the following year, but paid off my tuition for the previous year that I had left! Cool eh? Believe me, I had it coming..rehearsal's were at least 3-4 hours extra, 3 times a week. I also worked 20 hours a week to help pay for tuition and such. Doesn't seem like much, but when you are stretched thin's not easy finding time to work. Any spare time I had, I was at work or studying. It was a busy busy time. I also somehow made time to socialize and go to dances...I LOVED dancing in college and learned a ton from guy friends that new how to swing dance. By the time I was a sophomore, I knew a ton of moves and had a blast. I also basically discovered that I could sing in college. I was singing a song in the bathroom and someone asked me if I was going to try out for the next dance coming up. I said, I never thought about it and the girl said I should I did and I made it and the first time I ever sang with a microphone or in front of people was in front of about 1000 people on a huge stage. It was the most fun I ever had and I was hooked. From then on I tried to find any place there was to go singing and I still love doing it. That was also the reason for one of the adventures I have been on in my life...more on that later though. grades kinda suffered because I had so much going on all the time, but I think it was worth it in the end. I had a lot of fun and learned alot and made a lot of friends...most of which I have no contact with unfortunately..not sure what happened there. I tried to keep in touch, but just didn't have the contact from their end, so I guess I gave up. I think that's enough for now. Quinn woke up anyway and needs my attention...go figure!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Here I am

So I can't get on here too often to update...or I keep forgetting...or interrupted...or all of the above. Quinn is doing great...he nurses every 2 hours at least. He's starting to really let me know when he is NOT happy. He basically lost it in the car today on the way home from Church. We were almost to our exit and we had to pull off on the exit before ours and I had to nurse him. He's staying awake more and much more alert. He smiles big at me, I just don't know if it's a real smile or just a mimick of my expression. It's cute either way though. Rayne is still trying to adjust. I finally heard the big sister phrase who is in trouble..."you love Quinn MORE than me!!" What every parent loves to hear right? She's already pulled the "you don't love me" phrase before, but now she is trying to use this one. We are trying to really praise her for her good behavior and for helping. I gotta type fast because I think Quinn is stirring again. Dave had a great review at work and we now have STOCK!! We are pretty excited about it. And it vests as early as next year for part of it and the year after for the rest of it. We've never owned stock before, so we are pretty excited about it. I think that's it for now. I'm tired anyway..go figure.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A little update

I haven't been on here for a few I thought I would pop on and give a little update before Quinn wakes. He's doing great. He is nursing beautifully which was a major goal for us. He sleeps a ton and is a really calm baby which we are SO thankful for. I keep waiting for the honeymoon phase to end, but trying to enjoy it while it's here. Rayne is doing good...she tries to be helpful. She's going through a bit of a stage though that we are working on. I'm sure it will pass, but for now, it's tough to be patient at times. I think she is in competition for who is the Mommy, lol. I am still trying to get my strength and stamina back and heal fully. I think it is going to take a bit to get everything back to "normal" for me. I am not very patient with myself for healing..I want to be at 100% NOW. But I am thankful to be doing so well considering what my body just went through. So that's it for now...

Monday, April 7, 2008

He is here! Quinlan Egyji - April 2nd

So it's a really long birth story and NOTHING like we had planned, but he is healthy and doing well. And nursing! Rayne never was able to latch well and so this time it was a huge goal to have Quinn breastfeed and he's doing it! So we are thrilled with that too. So here is the birth story... Monday night I ate a piece of fried chicken from Yokes and immediately had really bad pains in my stomach. I figured it just didn't agree with me and it would pass after I laid down for a while. But after about 2-1/2 hours of that hideous pain I had to call Kelly and Lisa and tell them how much pain I was in and there was no way I could drive to go get my Mom had to go to their house to sit with Indy and Esme and Kelly and Lisa came over so Lisa could be here with me and Rayne and Kelly went and got Dave. Quite the fiasco. I still figured it would pass...I took peppermint oil and whatever else I could think of that might help and nothing was working. So we called my midwife to get her advice and she thought it was very possible that I was in labor and she would be over to check me. After she got here and checked me I wasn't dialated enough to be considered in labor like she thought. She hung out til like 3am and then Lisa stayed up with me until 5 am. I got maybe 2 hours sleep total in between severe cramping and pain. When things were still bad in the morning, we called Fran back over to check me again. There was no change in my cervix so labor was definently ruled out and Fran then suggested I go to the hospital and get checked out. So off to Kennewick General we went. I was admitted and they started doing tests to try and figure out what was going on. They did an ultrasound to see if they could see anything wrong with the gall bladder or the pancreas and found nothing. I was put on pain meds and hooked up to an I.V. After suffering all night and still not knowing what was going on, they took more blood to test and the Dr. was concerned with a couple of the results so we then had to decide on the fly to break my water and get the baby delivered to figure out what was going on. There was also the possibility of a partial placenta abruption. So I had my water broke and a epidural and then pitocin administered to get labor going. This was at about 8:30-9am. They also placed the fetal skull monitor on Quinn to keep track of him during the contractions which I really hated. The spinal wasn't wearing off very well and I hated feeling totally numb from the waist down. They then came in and told me they were going to start a magnesium I.V. for my blood pressure. And the nurse said it had a muscle relaxer in it so I would probably be pretty sleepy! I FLIPPED out on them..and said NO WAY. I asked them how they thought I was going to be able to push a baby out soon if I had yet another relaxer going in me. So we refused it until I could talk to my Dr. I told him what I was feeling and how I was feeling and that I thought my blood pressure was going up so high because they kept trying to put more and more into me and causing more problems for me both emotionally and physically. He was wonderful and listened to me and agreed to try it my way first. I told them I wanted to start feeling more and to stop the epi drip. Once I started feeling the contractions and breathing through them I actually felt better, weird as that sounds. I felt like I was in more control which was important for my state of being. I dialated quickly and when he came back in, said I was fully dialated and ready to push. I then began throwing up again and on the last puke, Quinn came shooting out of my like a canon ball. I hollered, "I think he's here!" and we lifted the blanket and sure enough...there he was...laying on the bed. He was beautiful and so so small looking. He was much smaller looking than Rayne did when she was born. 7lbs, 9oz and 19" long. And he looked just like Rayne. He was born April 2nd at 2:02 pm. I thought that was cool. And 4+2+2 = 8...the year of his birth. So after his birth I thought I was doing ok, but then the pain meds wore off and I was still in a lot of pain. A LOT of pain. So they took me up for an Xray and then later for a CT scan. They finally found a blockage and I had to have a tube put up my nose and down to my stomach to pump out the upper part of my bowels and allow whatever was doing the blocking to pass and then give my intestines a rest to correct the problem. It was the most horrible thing having that tube put in. HORRIBLE. It was there for 3 days and I couldn't eat or drink. I could suck on ice at first which would just get sucked right out so I was thirsty ALL the time...there was never any relief from that. By the time I got to eat something Saturday night...clear broth..I was STARVING. Food never tasted so good...even broth. After seeing that I could tolerate clear liquid they removed the tube and the next day upgraded me to a full liquid diet and I finally got to go home. I'm getting better everyday...less pain and all. Quinn is doing great...a little sniffly so we are trying to keep him warm and he's nursing really well so far. My milk came in today and he's loving it...much more satisfied and sleeping more. He's been sleeping so much today, I might be in for a long night...we'll see. So there's the story of Quinn's birth. Not what we had imagined but we are so so thankful for his safe arrival and my recovery. I'm glad it's over and I'm glad I'm done having babies. SO DONE.