Saturday, April 26, 2008

Here I am

So I can't get on here too often to update...or I keep forgetting...or interrupted...or all of the above. Quinn is doing great...he nurses every 2 hours at least. He's starting to really let me know when he is NOT happy. He basically lost it in the car today on the way home from Church. We were almost to our exit and we had to pull off on the exit before ours and I had to nurse him. He's staying awake more and much more alert. He smiles big at me, I just don't know if it's a real smile or just a mimick of my expression. It's cute either way though. Rayne is still trying to adjust. I finally heard the big sister phrase who is in trouble..."you love Quinn MORE than me!!" What every parent loves to hear right? She's already pulled the "you don't love me" phrase before, but now she is trying to use this one. We are trying to really praise her for her good behavior and for helping. I gotta type fast because I think Quinn is stirring again. Dave had a great review at work and we now have STOCK!! We are pretty excited about it. And it vests as early as next year for part of it and the year after for the rest of it. We've never owned stock before, so we are pretty excited about it. I think that's it for now. I'm tired anyway..go figure.

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