Monday, July 7, 2008

Never been so scared...

We found out that Rayne has pertussis or whooping cough. It's very horrible to hear your child cough to the point of no more breath and then gasp trying to breathe. Horrible. It's even more horrible to worry that your 3 month old may get a cough like that and have to be hospitalized. When I found out Rayne's pertussis test was positive, I freaked. Big time. And I was in Portland on what was supposed to be a fun trip for Rayne. It ended abruptly with us heading home to get the kids on antibiotics and hoping it was in time before Quinn got that cough. We prayed and have done everything we can holistically and medically and I think he's going to be okay. So far, he doesn't have the cough. I am so praying that he doesn't get it. This illness is so awful. It hides sometimes. That's what I am still worried about. But I know so many are praying and I am just trusting in God to protect him. He's so little. Rayne is recovering..although she still has pretty bad coughing fits. Some still take her breath away and it's still awful. My nieces and nephew have it also and that's what sent little Miette to the hospital one night. This is no disease to mess around with at all. Especially with very young kids. Needless to say, I just don't have it in me to do biography stuff again. It may be a little while. When things can settle down a bit and kids are healthy again.

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