Thursday, June 26, 2008

Still recovering...and exhausted

Everyone is still recovering from what is supposedly bronchitis. It has kicked the kids' butts. But it seems they are on the mend. Night time is the worst. Rayne wakes up coughing horribly and says she can't breathe. We took her into the ER yesterday and they took chest Xrays...and said they looked clear. They gave her a breathing treatment and took a Pertussis (whooping cough) test just in case. I wanted to know for Quinn's sake. I'm supposed to call tomorrow for the results, but I'm thinking it's not that. We were also sent home with a nebulizer for her. I will be so glad when she isn't coughing at night anymore like she has been. It is so scary sounding and she really does lose her breath for a while. I am hoping Quinn is NOT going to get this. PRAYING he doesn't. So far, he hasn't, but I still worry. I think it should be called having worries, not having kids. It's constant worry. I guess that's where I need to work on my faith in God. One of the areas anyway. I'm not feeling much like doing biography tonight again..just too burned out from a rough 2 weeks. We are hoping to do our little trip this weekend, assuming Rayne keeps improving.

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