Sunday, June 22, 2008

I've never been so scared in my life...

This weekend was supposed to be chock full of fun and adventure. But instead, it was a scary and worrisome weekend. After we picked up the rental car for the weekend, we went to pick up my niece who was going with us on the trip. We got there and my SIL was transferring car seats to the rental car and my brother had just got home. Miette, my youngest niece has had a really bad cough for a few weeks now and having a hard time getting through them without choking on the mucus. Well she had a really bad one and turned purple and passed out. We of course called 911 right away and my brother ran and got their neighbor lady who is a nurse. I was freaking out and screaming for them to hurry. It was that scream you do when you know something is terribly terribly wrong. She was out for at least a minute, it seemed like an eternity. The paramedics got there lightning fast, as they are just up the road from them. One of the firefighters was a friend of the family and when he heard that address with a breathing stoppage come over the speakers, he was very worried. Thankfully she came to right before they got there, but my brother and SIL still took her to the ER and found out she has bronchiolitis and likely so do all the kids. Even Rayne. Thankfully Quinn has been spared thus far and we had them all annointed, even Quinn. I am worried though that he could still get it, so prayers are appreciated. I am watching him closely. Miette is on medication to help, but she doesn't want to take it and they are having a really hard time getting it in her. If they try and force it, it causes a coughing fit and they DO NOT want to do that. So, hopefully she gets enough and just gets better. Rayne is still coughing, but I think she will start improving in the next few days. Cough medicine is helping her right now. Yuck, coughs are awful.

I don't have it in me right now to do a bio blog, so you'll just have to wait until life returns to "normal".

The picture is of my little niece, Miette.

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