Friday, October 31, 2008

Did I already say Argh?

Well I really mean it. Argh. Another one of those days. Nothing too major, but enough small things to add up and make me exhausted. I guess I should expect that from a Friday. They are always crazy and whirlwindish. Is that a word? Apparently not since it is underlined in red right now. Well, I think it should be a word. Anyway...Quinn started saying Ga Ga. Seriously, ga ga..just as babies should be saying ga goo goo? It's funny and he thinks so too. He says it and then smiles really big like he would say.."did you hear that? aren't I cool?". It cracked me up. I think Rayne has been feeling the effects of Dave working overtime. She had a bit of a rough week with her behavior and just not being real settled or happy. She misses her Daddy. They are like peas in a pod those two. I did manage to do more school with her this week. I have to call about getting a Math assessment set up for her. Oh the joy. She's 5 and they want to assess her math skills. Whatever. I don't like assessments, can you tell? I got to do another fun photo shoot with a friend's kids in the fall leaves...actually, several friends' kids. They are of course on my flickr account. I like how they turned out. I cannot wait to upgrade my gear. Should be in about 3 months or so. I am hoping the biz takes off soon. We could really use the added income. I need to advertise more. I have a good friend building a website for me (thanks Emeth!) and I think she said she's going to do the biz cards too. I'm excited about it. I will be a .com :) The site is How cool is that? I had no idea photography would become such a passion for me, but it is and I absolutely LOVE LOVE it. I would take pics all day if I could. Some day I want to travel and just take pics of my travels. It would be a blast. I think the kids would like it too. We could go around and just do educational stuff and they could see their country. I hope to make that dream come true someday. They will probably be my little protege's with their own DSLR. Or at least a really good point and shoot. Well, I know I haven't done biography in a while, but I've just been too tired and then I won't remember the details. I'll have to try and do it again soon, after Quinn is sleeping better again. He's been doing the whole nursing every hour thing again. It's really tiring. So that's it for tonight. Bye all!

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