Friday, August 8, 2008

Goin Campin

We are off to Wallowa Lake in 1 week. Rayne has never been camping, so I hope she has fun. We are sleeping in a tent..that should be interesting with the baby too. Hopefully it goes well. The weather is supposed to be good..and not 100 degrees...ahhhhhh, that will be nice. I had the great idea of having a stupid yard sale. Yes I said stupid because that's what it was. Stupid. Nuf said. Rayne's cough is much much better. Quinn is doing fine..he chomps down HARD on my painfully so. I'm guessing he's still teething. Just a wild guess though. I don't think I've blogged since deciding to start a photography biz. I want to do maternity/newborn and children's portraits. So I've been doing a lot of photo sessions for free to build my portfolio. It is so much fun, especially belly and newborn pics. SO my favorite. And I even managed to do a shoot with a very grumpy 3 year old who did NOT want her picture to be taken and come away with several very cute shots of her. So I was happy about that. I am going to upgrade my camera in the next few months hopefully and upgrade my computer to a MAC and get aperature 2 with it. Oh and calibrate my screen so I will be all ready to go pro. I am hoping by February to be full blown pro and charging for sessions. I MIGHT try sooner, but I feel inclined to upgrade my gear first so I can make sure to the best pictures possible. So that's it on the homefront. And now......


So I had to leave off at where I should have left the ex boyfriend. My brother wasn't doing well..he is still not feeling well, but hopefully slowly getting better. Some people just shouldn't try to climb big tall mountains, ya know? I'm at the point in my bio where you would think I would leave a person that lies and cheats and yet I don't. Instead, I decide to drive 2000 miles to Nashville at the same time he does. We both decide to move there at the same time. Me, to pursue singing..I seriously wanted to. Him, for a business venture that would end in failure. Making a big move like that was not new to me and I always think it's exciting. Until I get there. And then I question my decisions and wonder why I'm so retarded. I guess I should explain how I got to Nashville in the first place. I had a job at Hanford through an employment agency in the human resources department of somewhere...can't remember where. The place is huge. The job was boring. I mean seriously boring. I read at least 20 books while working there. Then I discovered I could get online and that's when I began searching for other jobs. There was a nanny position near Nashville that sounded appealing to me. Of course I already knew that a certain someone was going to be moving there. I figured I would have some support while trying to pursue my singing. That's the one thing he did right. He completely believed in my singing and that I could go somewhere with it. And that was important to me then. So anyway, I contact this person with the ad and we talked and hit it off. She liked me from the phone interview and I got the job. It would include room and board and 150/week. Not a bad deal back then. So I took it and broke the news to my parents that I was once again moving a long ways away from home. I'm sure they were thrilled with me yet again. So I pack up and head out shortly after that. When I arrived at the house I would be living at, it seemed very nice. Very southern which I loved. An older house with lots of charm. The kids were sleeping so I would meet them later. Their Mom seemed really nice. Yeah right. Anyway...we talk for a while and then I go to bed as I am exhausted from a long driving trip. The next morning I get up and meet the girls. They are really cute and it seems like we will all get along great. The girls were 5 and 8. Hard to believe they are now about 15 and 18. Wow. Time goes by fast. So life goes on as normal for a while..I watch the girls during the day and then I'm free in the evening. I think the Mom thought I would just hang out with all of them at night, but I had other ideas. I was there to pursue my singing. I had to get out and do that. I met up with the ex boyfriend and went out singing wherever I could. It was fun. I love singing so I usually have fun when I am doing that. I could tell though that the girls Mom was irritated that I wasn't there in the evening too. Oh well, not much I can do about that. And then one day, I went to a movie in the park with them and when we got home, the Mom asks if I heard her grandparents in the house last night? I said, no were they here? She said..well they died several years ago, but that she thought she heard them in the halls again the night before. I think my mouth must have hit the floor. I thought at first she was kidding..she was not. She continued to tell me that they come out every once in a while and it usually keeps her up. Okay....I want out now. And that's where I will stop. It's late and I'm tired. Next time will continue with this nightmare I've managed to get myself into. And how my health will decline rapidly and end in emergency surgery.

The photo is from my most recent photo shoot.

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