Friday, January 11, 2008

Rayne's funny sayings this week...

Rayne said some very funny things this week so I thought I would put them here so I won't forget later. One night we were flipping through the channels..neither of us could sleep...and we happened on the end of a movie. When it ended shortly after we tuned into it, she was upset that it was already over. So I said, "well it's because we missed all of it". Her reply was, "Mommy, if we missed all of it that means we didn't see ANY of it, but we did see the end." So I had to laugh and correct myself...."well we missed MOST of it". Smarty pants.
Another funny story...we are planning a game night with the cousins and a couple of friends tomorrow night (sat. night) We got a Disney DVD Bingo game that she loves and is really fun for kids AND adults to play. So she says to me..."OHHHH, WHEN is it going to be tomorrow so it can be game night!" So I told her that if she would go to sleep, then it would be tomorrow even sooner. So she says a little while later after getting her pj's on..."OK, I am going to sleep now, it better be morning when I wake up!" LOL....I hope she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night because she might be mad!

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