Monday, January 28, 2008
They found our car...
...and we have mixed feelings about it now. The thought of not having that payment was nice, but now we don't have to worry about buying another car. Our insurance company has been awesome so far and are picking up the tab for everything. They are even having the car towed to the dealership for inspection and will pay for any damages to the car or any losses inside the car. That's been a big relief. We got a winter storm this weekend...1/2 inch of ice and then 8 inches of snow on top of that. Lovely. We aren't going anywhere. Dave has been home from work for the past 2 days and MUST go in tomorrow so hopefully the roads get cleared. Kelly, my brother was nice enough to come and dig us out...he made a path to the rental truck and cleared our driveway of snow and ice and the put ice melt everywhere. We would still be buried had it not been for him doing that. Rayne said another funny today. I was reading off a serial number to the laptop outloud and part of it was 2D..she started laughing and repeating..2D! Too-Dee. It had us cracking up...she's 4 and she catches something like that...that's her sense of humor shining through! In other Rayne news..I think she may be allergic to pineapple juice. She kept getting red and blotchy on her face and a little puffy and I couldn't figure out why. Well, this morning her face looked pretty good and then she had some pineapple juice and her face got all icky and puffy again. Sigh. So now I am going to keep her away from pineapple juice and see if her face gets better. I hate allergies. With a passion. I hope Quinn doesn't have to deal with them. And speaking of Quinn, he's very active and running out of room quickly. I think he is able to hit my ribs now..that's real nice. Otherwise he's jumping off of my bladder. Again, real nice. That's about it for now. Gotta get busy cleaning/picking up.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Back Home
We've been home from Florence for a few days. It was a fun trip. Rayne did really well and had a lot of fun. She got to meet some cousins around her age and got to play a bit with them. She was SOO good in the car, I was very happy with her. I was able to get some really nice pictures of Rayne at the Coast..we walked up to Heceta Head Lighthouse...quite a feat when you're 7 months pregnant and it hurts to walk, let me tell ya. But we did it and it was fun and Rayne kept asking every few feet to get her picture here or there. She was pooped when we got back and slept from 5-10pm then woke to eat and went back to sleep about 12. My ankles started swelling over there and they haven't done it as bad now that we are home, so maybe it was just the climate/elevation, not sure. I am really hoping I don't get the swelling I had in my feet I had with Rayne. I could only wear sandals with adjustable straps with her by the end. I forgot to go and get my Rogam for the injection I am supposed to brain doesn't work anymore. Since I'm Rh-, I have to get injected now and possible after the birth, depending on the baby's blood type. If Dave was negative blood type, I wouldn't have to, but we don't think he is. So we will play it safe. I've only gained 13 lbs so far which I am very happy about. Looks like I should be able to keep the weight gain at a nice normal rate. I guess that's it for now...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
In Florence
Well, we are in Florence, Oregon this weekend visiting Desirae (my sister). Rayne is having fun. She got to meet some cousins today around her age and they had fun. Poor Rayne got a cold sore in the middle of her upper lip on the way here, but thankfully it went away just as quick. And her allergies are flaring up with all these dogs here but we got some homeopathic allergy stuff and it has been helping. She loves playing with the puppy. She keeps asking me where the dog that likes her is, lol. We will be here til Monday and are hoping for a nice day tomorrow. Today was decent until about 3 and then the clouds rolled in and it got windy and cold. That's the coast for you. We haven't been to the Ocean yet, but I"m sure we will before we leave. Quinn is very active these days, stretching now too. He's getting stronger and able to hurt me more. I will be glad when I don't have to visit the bathroom every hour on the hour. Not much more than that to report. Still no Scion yet. Dave is feeling better and lonely right everyone call him so he doesn't lose his mind :) Signing off....
Oh I almost forgot...please note Rayne's bangs...she LOVES them.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Horrible Weekend
It didn't start out horrible...well, kinda. Dave is really sick so I guess it did start out yucky. But it got worse. We went to Church on Saturday as usual. After Church and after the potluck I went out to the car and started it and pulled it forward to right in front of the door. People were coming and going in and out of the front door, standing in the foyer, etc. Well, the car was stolen anyway. Someone actually came right up to the front door and stole it. I went in to get Rayne, right in the foyer and wasn't even away 10 minutes and it was gone. I am very thankful there was no child in the car and I will never do that again. But nevertheless, we have no car now. Who knows if we will get it back. We are hoping that our insurance covers the cost of rental car until we either get it back or they consider it a loss. We do have gap insurance on it, so they will pay off the loan if it's a loss. Needless to say I was very shaken when it happened and had to try and remain calm..I didn't want to go into labor after all. So Dave is sick, he had to work anyway and now his car is gone. Thankfully my brother has let us use his car until we find out about getting a rental. I'll know tomorrow about all the insurance stuff. I cleaned out the car that morning, so the loss inside is minimal, although there are items in there we would very much like to have back. Quinn's sonogram pictures, Rayne's favorite princess blanket and her baby. Dave's walking stick. And of course there were 2 carseats in there as our SIL and niece rode with us. It's really sad how icky people take someone's car right from under their nose and with 2 carseats in the back. We had to change our locks on our doors too, because they have our house key and there is mail in the car that I got that day with our address on it. I will be glad when this world is no longer under Satan's rule. It can't come soon enough.
Aside from that, we are all ok. Quinn is very active and Rayne is sad about the things she has lost in the car, but being very brave. We did get her a new baby today that she loves, but her blanket is what she is missing the most. And of course as a Mother, that hurts. I feel bad for her as she doesn't understand why someone took our car and her blanket..but she does know that they chose Satan's way and knows Christ needs to return. She's growing up so fast. She can now pour her own cereal and milk in the morning, she can make and butter her own toast and get herself a drink. These little things will help tremendously once Quinn is born. When she turned 5 I will teach her to make scrambled eggs. If she can be self sufficient in the morning, I can get a little bit of sleep when I need it. I am 7 months pregnant today and we are getting excited to meet little Quinn. I hope everyone has a safe and pleasant night and day tomorrow...don't ever leave your car unattended and don't ever leave your little ones in the car..EVER. I've learned my lesson.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Rayne's funny sayings this week...
Rayne said some very funny things this week so I thought I would put them here so I won't forget later. One night we were flipping through the channels..neither of us could sleep...and we happened on the end of a movie. When it ended shortly after we tuned into it, she was upset that it was already over. So I said, "well it's because we missed all of it". Her reply was, "Mommy, if we missed all of it that means we didn't see ANY of it, but we did see the end." So I had to laugh and correct myself...."well we missed MOST of it". Smarty pants.
Another funny story...we are planning a game night with the cousins and a couple of friends tomorrow night (sat. night) We got a Disney DVD Bingo game that she loves and is really fun for kids AND adults to play. So she says to me..."OHHHH, WHEN is it going to be tomorrow so it can be game night!" So I told her that if she would go to sleep, then it would be tomorrow even sooner. So she says a little while later after getting her pj's on..."OK, I am going to sleep now, it better be morning when I wake up!" LOL....I hope she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night because she might be mad!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The Week
I know, I haven't been on here for a while. We've been very busy lately. Monday we had our meal swap and lots of people at our house. Rayne always has fun with kids to play with. Quin was very quiet all day and by evening I was just a little concerned. I kept poking him and jiggling my tummy to wake him..he would wiggle a little bit and then was quiet again. I even woke up in the middle of the night and poked around to make sure he was still okay. He made up for it on Tuesday and again today. I guess he just needed some rest to grow some more! I can't believe it's going to be 28 weeks this weekend. Going by fast. On Wednesday we had more company and had a yummy brunch with some friends. Rayne was out of sorts at first and had a melt down, but was better after she finally listened to me and ate something...go figure. It was fun. Today we had Ciel, the little girl I watch once a week. Her and Rayne had fun playing dancing princesses all day. All of us took a nap too, it was nice. And now Quinn is back to wiggling again. Braxton hicks contractions are getting stronger and sometimes it's hard to walk through them. Rayne's ezcema has been flaring up again on her hands and face, not sure why. I guess we are going to have to giver her her medicine for a while til we get it back under control. Her hands are cracking. Today in Walmart she hit her thumb on something and it made it crack open and bleed...a DOT of blood and she broke down in tears. I hate flare ups...I feel so bad that she has to go through the pain and itchiness of it. It kept her up part of the night last night too. Probably why she took a nap today. I guess that's about it for this time. Oh, we got a Bingo DVD game and Rayne had a lot of fun playing that with us tonight...we finally have a game the whole family can play and enjoy, it was fun. We are going to have some kids over for a BINGO game night soon. Dave is fighting a cold...well, I think the cold is winning right now, so we will see how he feels this weekend. Ok, NOW that's it...goodnight!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
The Sabbath
Yesterday was the Sabbath so of course we went to Church. Dave stayed home because he wasn't feeling well...his wisdom teeth were bothering him...that's not going to be a fun dentist trip for him when he can finally get them taken care of. So it was just me and Rayne and Rayne dressed herself again, lol. Her outfit was quite creative but somehow managed to at least kinda match. She did really well in Church, was very quiet and played nicely. She has come a LONG way in Church from when we first moved over to Tri Cities. She's growing up! She hugs and kisses my belly all the time and talks to Quin :) After Church Rayne went to Grandma and Grandpa's to play with the cousins and Lisa and I got to go out for sushi. It was SOOO good. I had Tekka Maki and Seaweed Salad. They are so yummy and fresh tasting. We had to wait 1-1/2 hours for our food though...sheesh. I don't think our waitress knew what she was doing...she forgot our salads so we got those after our sushi and then she mixed up Emeth's (a friend) sushi order. Oh well, we still had a good time and after that we got blizzards at DQ. So it was a nice evening to get away with some girlfriends and get a break. I'm trying to take advantage of that as much as possible before the babe is born...cuz the buck stops there! At least for a good year or so. We got home about 11 and Rayne konked right away. But she said she had fun. Quin had other plans and wiggled and flipped around for a couple of hours before I went to sleep! That's about it and not much happened today..Rayne and I stayed home and chilled..we baked cookies and I caught up on some laundry..pretty lazy day, but it was nice. And the picture is a 27 week belly pictures...Quin is a growin!
Friday, January 4, 2008
It Got Very Windy
I don't know what happened to posting last night...I can't remember if I fell asleep or what. Wow. I've been tired lately. School started again for me and Dave and I know I did some school, but I didn't even finish what I wanted to last night. Seems like I got a lot accomplished today. Cleaned the house, went into town, came home and did my Mom's hair (colored and cut it) and my Mom's friend's hair (colored and cut it) and got Rayne's room rearranged and cleaned (with the help of my Mom). To say the least I was exhausted by the time everything was done and after getting pizza, I took a nap. And guess what? Yep, I have heartburn again tonight. Every night. This kid better come out with a FULL head of hair!! I've had heartburn the WHOLE time. And now my dog just let a stinker...GROSS!! He has had gas lately and I have no idea why. I'm sure everyone wanted to know that..just be thankful you are not sitting where I am right now! In the pregnancy area I feel a bit bigger today and Quin's kicks are really strong. I also feel grumpy tonight. I'm hungry and I don't know what I want to eat. A regular nightly occurance that usually results in me not having anything and just going to bed. I think tonight I am going to have to find a snack though. Rayne has been eating us out of house and home this week. She wants to snack all day and then she eats her meals too. She must be growing again and Dave comments that she better slow down soon or she is going to be one very tall girl. I guess that's it for tonight. Rayne is bugging me for another snack anyway, lol...SEE?!?! Night all.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
2 Days into One
I didn't post last night, just didn't feel very good. I have good days and bad. Today was better aside from a headache. So, yesterday we went to a get together at some Church friends' house and played pictionary which was really fun. Our team won of course. The other team whined a lot, lol. They of course said they were getting all of the hard ones and we got all of the easy ones..blah blah blah. Good times. We got home and were pretty tired so we all chilled out. Rayne seemed to have more energy than we did of course...go figure. I dozed for about an hour I think and then I just didn't feel good the rest of the evening. I won't go into details.
As for today...Dave of course went to work..Rayne slept until 10:30! We had friends over today for our meal swap...we do a food exchange with 3 other families...that means we have 3 meals already prepared for us throughout the week and it's really nice. I in turn make 3 meals and exchange with the other families. It's nice. Tomorrow after I watch 2 little girls I won't have to cook dinner..just heat and serve. Nice. Tonight we had Tortilla soup which was really yummy and I didn't cook it. Rayne had fun playing with her cousins and friends all day, but was very tired after they left. So you would think she would have fallen asleep or gone to bed early..but she didn't! She's such a die hard, lol. She was too busy playing computer-work and then homeschool with her "children". I love pretend play, it's so cute. It will be gone all too soon. Hopefully Quin will keep her young. Apparently we are spelling Quin with only on "n". Please feel free to comment on whether this looks right. I think it should be with 2 "n's" but what do I know. His legal name will be Quinlan. But still.... Not much more excitement than that I'm afraid. Quin is strong enough to make my arm move when he kicks if my arm is resting on the belly. I need to get another belly shot since I am much bigger now than say a month ago...but tonight's pic is a 22 week belly shot...we are now 26-1/2 weeks. Goodnight all!
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